Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A holiday message from Mr. F1ster

This is an actual message I received last night. I've disguised the username ever so slightly, but if you'd like to send a love letter to this guy, I'd be happy to let you know where you can find him. Please tell me this guy is a troll, and not for real...
Subject: Eternity 
I see that you have sex with multiple partners.
I'm trying, pal. Really, I am. But you're right: it does seem like it's been an eternity.
The purpose of sex is to give birth.
Spoken like someone who will never have to give birth.
Over and over again this is demonstrated in the biblical context. Sex did not originate to be a release for a stress filled day, afterwards a cup of coffee or a smoke. Casual sex is not the intention of the Bible's narrative that advocates procreation. Most would agree, we read about sexual sin in the Scriptures. Sexual sin as mentioned in the Bible leads to different results. If you believe to every action their is a reaction, or if you prescribe to the biblical notion you reap what you sow, then casual sex will lead to something. It may lead to an unwanted child, sexually transmitted diseases
Apparently, Mr. F1ster is too stupid to use condoms and contraceptives.
or something that was delightful getting stuck and later needing surgical removal.
Wow. That is a weird way to make your point. I suspect that in further messages, I'd get to hear more and more about this. But alas, I had to block him, so I'll never find out what he had surgically removed from his bum.
My point is that it leads to something. The act of sex never leads to nothing, even hurt feelings.
The biblical notion of sex has a stated purpose and requires discipline. 
Discipline! I'll bet he's obsessed with that, too.
This lifestyle has you walking down the wrong path. It's not too late to turn around and repent.
Ohhhh, man. This guy has no idea up which tree he is barking.

This is all really rich coming from someone with a screen name like "Mr. F1ster."


Ezra said...

Religion, more than any other force, keeps people from achieving their full potential. It keeps them satisfied with ignorance, confident where there is room for doubt, and judgmental in the case of misunderstanding. In short, it keeps people stupid. And they like it.

Why do people like you have to be the minority? Isn't it about time we had an Age of Enlightenment, a Renaissance, to finally do away with all this mess? To bring our wisdom up to par with our technological achievements? It's like we're so close but too timid to reach out and take it.

Unknown said...

Ezra, I feel your frustration! I am often puzzled as to why people enjoy willful ignorance so much. I guess the short answer is that the truth often hurts. And yet, I strongly prefer it.